Welcome to our first post! While long overdue, it would be unfair to not highlight how well our Pride Month activities went for us this year.
As usual, we plan many activities like our Pride Mega Train, Pride Parade, and Glamour Contests, all for charity. And boy did everyone show up and show out this year! We raised just over 14,000 dollars!
We had more than exceeded our humble goal of 5,000 dollars. We are truly grateful to those who donated to the cause.
For our activities, we had our annual glamour contest where people can glam to represent whatever sexuality or gender identity they so choose. Here are our winners!
We also had our pride mega train! Each world was assigned a color of the progress flag at random, and asked to wear the corresponding colors on their glams, as well as their mounts. Here you can see part of the Jenova train who had green!
We wrapped things up with our pride parade, where people still wore the chosen colors from the mega train and paraded across Eorzea. We’ve got a few pictures to share. If you’d like to see more, check out the hashtag #AHPRIDEPARADE on twitter (while it’s still up anyway)!
We also wrap it up with our conductor/spawner/scouter photo! This photo session gets voted on to become the new banner for our website as well as our discord invite link. This year’s winner was Lilaea Celaeno @ Faerie, one of our Admins!
Conductors and Spawners come dressed in their server’s chosen color for the year and get together for one big group photo. While the hunt community itself has grown in the past years, so has our crossworld hunt team.
Once again we are so, so, so grateful for everyone’s participation in celebrating Pride this year. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Happy Hunting!