How to Use AetherHunts

Click or Tap on any of the questions to jump to them!

๐Ÿ”ธ How do I get registered?
๐Ÿ”ธ How do I change my character’s name/what world I’m on?
๐Ÿ”ธ How do I add/remove roles with the drop down menus and buttons?
๐Ÿ”ธ How do I add/remove roles with the manual option?
๐Ÿ”ธ How do I check what roles I have?
๐Ÿ”ธ What do the roles mean?
๐Ÿ”ธ I found a FATE/Hunt. How do I post it?
๐Ÿ”ธ How do I read Train posts?

How do I get registered?

After you accept our rules, youโ€™ll be sent to our โ€œget-registered-hereโ€ channel.

Here youโ€™ll want to link your character to your discord account. From here you would type:

+link FirstName LastName World
So for example: +link Othelia Emeraldsong Adamantoise

You cannot link more than one character to one discord account. If the bot says it is unable to find your character, please make sure you have spelled everything correctly.

An alternative way to register is by using your character ID on the lodestone. In order to get your character ID, you must go to the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone. If logged in, if on PC, you will want to go to the top right corner and click on the menu on the top right.

From there, you will want to click on character profile. This will take you to the character profile for the character you have logged in. Alternatively, you can search your character name in the character search, and go to your character’s page from there. Go to the address bar at the top of your browser and look at the link.

At the end of the URL, will be a set of numbers. That is your character’s ID. Copy those numbers. You will use them for the following command:

+id_link CharacterID#
So for example: +id_link 16344834

Once you’ve got the command, simply send it in the chat and the bot will look up your character. Once found, you will receive the roles you need to access more channels in the discord.

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How do I change my character’s name/what world I’m on?

In order to change your name or world, you will use the same commands you use to register! We have a channel called #๐Ÿ–‹-name-or-world-change under the The Hunt Board folder.

Please make sure your character’s name change or world change has updated on the Lodestone before attempting to update it in our discord. You are welcome to use either the +link FirstName LastName World or the +id_link CharacterID# command to update your information.

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In our newest role system, we have drop down menus as well as buttons to help you add and remove your roles. We will explain them here.

Drop Down Menus

The drop down menus are our newest feature. In order to add or remove a role, simply click or tap on the menu in order to see all the options available.

Once you choose the role, you will receive a message only you can see from the bot stating you’ve successfully added or removed the role.

If you wish to remove the role in the same session, you will need to restart Discord.

๐Ÿ–ฅFor PC users, press Ctrl+R to restart Discord.
๐Ÿ“ฑFor smartphone/app users, you will need to force close the app.


For buttons, the process is not so different. To add a role with a button, simply click or tap on the button to add the role.

Unlike drop down menus, you don’t need to restart discord on PC or your mobile device to remove the role. Click or tap on it the button again to remove the role.

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How do I add/remove roles with the manual option?

If you’re a person who removes and add roles more frequently, our manual role channel might suit you better. Manual roles allow you to type the role change manually or use slash commands.

Typing Manually

To change your role manually, you must type or copy paste the role as it is written in the embed. If you are trying to get pings for Foxy Lady, you cannot just put “Foxy Lady” or “Tamamo no gozen”. The full command must be ?rank Foxy Lady (aka Tamamo-no-Gozen).

The bot will inform you whether you’ve successfully added or removed the role.

Slash Commands

In order to use slash commands to add/remove roles, you must use Dyno bot.

Once you’ve typed /rank, you can click on the dyno command to begin the slash command. In the “rank” slot, either type or copy paste the role you want to add or remove. Once you’ve sent the command, the bot will inform whether you’ve successfully added or removed the role.

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How do I check what roles I have?

By default, hunters have access to our #๐Ÿค–-bot-spam-and-role-check channel. Here you’re free to spam any of the bots to your hearts content, as well type nonsense to check your roles.

Type whatever you want (so long as it’s within our rules please!) in the channel. After that, either click or tap on your name to bring up your profile. This will show your currently added roles so you can know what you want to add or remove.

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What do the roles mean?

What is a NO PING role?

When someone types your name directly in a chat or mentions a role you have added, it causes a red notification to come up. That notification is a ping, or them pinging you. If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like being pinged, you can add a NO PING role.

NO PING roles give you access to the channels you want to see, without making you be pinged for that content. If you want to see when Hunt Trains are running, but don’t want to be pinged every time one is posted, NO PING roles are good for you.

However, if you have any roles that do ping, it will override the NO PING role and ping you anyway. That said, there is a way for you to turn on pings at your convenience while keeping access to channels. While having the NO PING role added, you can add the pingable role for the train on Tuesday, and remove the pingable role when you’re done.

What are “world” roles?

World roles only ping for content taking place on that world/server. These are only available for hunts.

If your server/world is on Gilgamesh, and you only want to attend Endwalker trains and S-Ranks on Gilgamesh, you would select “Gilgamesh Endwalker Train” and “Gilgamesh Endwalker S-Rank”. These will ping you for hunts only on Gilgamesh. Just like NO PING roles however, if you choose “Endwalker Train (ALL WORLDS)”, it will override the Gilgamesh role and ping you for trains on all worlds.

Miscellaneous Roles

๐Ÿ”˜ Warrior of Everlasting Light: Role for hunters who are deceased.
๐Ÿ”˜ Achievement Roles: Not be confused with our “Achievement FATE” role. These roles are for people who have acquired the higher hunting achievements such as the mounts and titles. Send in a role request ticket if you qualify.
๐Ÿ”˜ Spawner/Conductor: These roles give access to the Spawner/Conductor lounge and coordination channels. Send in a role request ticket if you’re interested.
๐Ÿ”˜ Scout: This role gives you access to the train scouting channel.
๐Ÿ”˜ Event Roles: Roles such as “Pride Royalty” and “Hallowed Haunter” are given to winners of contest during our Pride and Halloween events.
๐Ÿ”˜ Generous Hunter: People who are subscribed to our Patreon! We use the funds from Patreon to upkeep our bots as well as this website.

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I found a FATE/Hunt. How do I post it?

If you found an A-Rank:
  • Older A-Ranks: If you found a hunt in the ARR or HW expansion, most worlds ask you relay it in your linkshells in case anyone else needs to kill it for an achievement. If you need help relaying, you can contact a linkshell lead in game to help you.
  • Newer A-Ranks: If you find a hunt from SB/SHB/EW, you are free to link it in the #train-scouting channel. If you do not have the scouter role, you can go to #hunt-roles and add it.
If you found an S-Rank:
  • If you DON’T have Faloop! Perms: If you do not have perms on Faloop! to mark hunts dead, you can announce the S-Rank yourself in the #๐Ÿ“ขs-rank-announcements channel. There is a pin at the top of the channel explaining which roles you can ping. For instance, if you found an S-Rank in the Fringes on Faerie, your announcement would look like this:
    • @Centurio S-Rank FAE Fringes 12.3, 34.5
    • The announcement must ping the correct expansion, and also list what world it’s on, which zone it’s in, and where it’s located.
  • If you DO have Faloop perms!: If you’re still new to Faloop and how to use it, feel free to review the guides here: [Link].

If you don’t have Faloop! perms, you can head to #๐Ÿฎ-faloop-support!

If you found a FATE:
  • Achievement FATEs: Achievement FATEs cannot be announced on Faloop, and therefore not pushed to be announced via the Faloop bot. Make sure you have access to the #boss-fates-announcement channel. When you announce the FATE, you can either type the world out, or add the emoji for that world that is listed in the pins. The bot will post a banner of what world it’s on for others to see. For achievement FATEs such as Special Tarasque Force, you would use:
    • @Achievement FATEs ADA Special Tarasque Force
    • @Achievement FATEs :adam: Special Tarasque Force
  • World/Boss FATEs: Boss FATEs are on a larger scale as they only spawn every few days. Boss FATEs can be announced on Faloop. If you are not familiar with Faloop!, you can announce them in the announcement channel like this:
    • @Ixion (aka A Horse Outside) MID
    • @Ixion (aka A Horse Outside) :midgardsormr:
  • Unlike hunts, FATEs spawn in either one fixed location, or two or three. Putting the world is enough to get people coming. If you would like to use Faloop!, you can say where it’s spawned when calling it on the tracker.

Boss/World FATEs

These can only spawn every few days and give achievements.

๐Ÿ”˜ Odin (aka Steel Reign)
๐Ÿ”˜ Behemoth FATE
๐Ÿ”˜ Coeurlregina
๐Ÿ”˜ Ultima (aka Prey Online)
๐Ÿ”˜ Ixion (aka a Horse Outside)
๐Ÿ”˜ Foxy Lady (aka Tamamo-no-gozen)
๐Ÿ”˜ Formidable (aka Frog FATE)
๐Ÿ”˜ Archaeotania
๐Ÿ”˜ Chi FATE (aka Omicron Recall)
๐Ÿ”˜ Daivadipa (aka Dave)

Achievement FATEs

These can spawn multiple times in the same day and give achievements. These are just a few.

๐Ÿ”˜ It’s Not Lupus (Eastern La Noscea)
๐Ÿ”˜ Lazy for You (East Shroud)
๐Ÿ”˜ The Eyes Have It (Coerthas Central Highlands)
๐Ÿ”˜ Metal Gears Revengeance (Dravanian Hinterlands)
๐Ÿ”˜ The Evil Seed (The Fringes)
๐Ÿ”˜ Never Say Daimyo (The Ruby Sea)
๐Ÿ”˜ Curiosity Killed the Catfish (Yanxia)
๐Ÿ”˜ Wham, Bam, Thank You Mammoth (The Azim Steppe)
๐Ÿ”˜ Tojil Eclipse (The Rat’tika Greatwood)

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How do I read Hunt Train posts in the Discord?

  • Server/World: The World/Server the train will be ran on.
  • Start Time/When: The time the train will head to the first mark.
  • Gathering Point/Where: This is where you can wait for the train to start. It is usually an Aetheryte in one of the zones. As you attend more trains, you’ll grow familiar with Aetheryte names!
  • Marks/Hunt Count: This will say how many of the hunts are expected to be alive for the train.
  • Recruitment: This will say how the server typically forms party for the train.
  • Conductor: The person who will be running the train. The poster isn’t always the conductor!
  • Scout: People who helped looked for the marks.
  • Train Type: Some trains will have “vibes” or will be a “bullet train”.
  • ๐Ÿ’€/โ˜ : Any type of skull emoji on the bottom denotes the train has finished.

Not all train posts are the same. Some people add flair such as pictures and music, and some people give the barebones information. However, these are the general bits of information we require so people know where to go. If you are familiar with any of the terminology, we recommend checking out our Glossary!

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